500 metrov vzhodno od križišča druge ceste Huaihai in ceste Xiwu,Linyi,Shandong,Kitajska + 86-17667633139 [email protected]
Plastična embalaža je povsod! Izkusimo ga v hrani, ki jo zaužijemo, kot so vrečke čipsa ali skodelice jogurta, in v izdelkih, ki jih kupujemo, vključno z igračami in elektronskimi izdelki. Ti opomniki nam pomagajo spoznati, da je plastika sovražnik Zemlje. Torej kompan...
POGLEJ VEČIf you ever go into a store to buy food, you will see much material being filled in plastic. You might begin to wonder whether the plastic contains toxins harmful to the food you and your family are ingesting. This is such an important question to as...
POGLEJ VEČVedno več ljudi po vsem svetu se zaveda pomena varovanja našega planeta danes. Z varovanjem Zemlje je veliko izzivov in zmanjševanje odpadkov iz embalaže je velik način, kako lahko pomagamo. Embalaža je tisto, v kar zavijemo hrano in izdelke...
POGLEJ VEČSte že kdaj bili v trgovini z živili in videli izdelek, ki je izgledal tako lepo? Morda ste ga kupili preprosto zato, ker je bila embalaža videti kul ali barvita. Ker ste morda eden od mnogih ljudi, ki so izkusili ta pojav, je to natanko ...
POGLEJ VEČWhat is Flexible Packaging?Flexible packaging has a lot of significance when it comes to frozen food. It keeps food fresh, maintains its flavor and prevents freezer burn. This form of packaging is unique since it can be changed easily. Flexible packa...
POGLEJ VEČKako plastična fleksibilna embalaža ohranja hrano svežo Ste že kdaj vzeli prigrizek in ugotovili, da se je pokvaril ali pokvaril? Hrana zelo hitro zgnije, še hitreje, če črne kavne vrečke ni pravilno konzervirana. To je, ko p...
POGLEJ VEČRazmislite o vrečki čipsa ali škatli piškotov. Verjetno ste! Te okusne dobrote so običajno pakirane v materialu, imenovanem fleksibilna embalaža. Prilagodljivi paketi so zelo pogosti in se uporabljajo tudi za različne izdelke. Večino strukture sestavlja ...
POGLEJ VEČLearn how their actions impact the Earth Notably more citizens are learning how their doings impact the Earth. With this increased consciousness, businesses are working hard to create eco-friendly but efficient packaging for all. A major player in th...
POGLEJ VEČWe go to the grocery store and often see food in plastic wraps. Have you ever wondered why that’s the case? So, there are some good reasons why plastic packaging is used for food. So in this text we are going to speak about the cronological, biologic...
POGLEJ VEČIzbira prave plastične fleksibilne embalaže za vaše podjetje zahteva natančno preučitev njene učinkovitosti in stroškov. Obstaja veliko različnih možnosti in lahko je nekoliko težavno najti najboljšo embalažo za vaše izdelke. Tukaj je nekaj ti...
POGLEJ VEČPackaging is one of the crucial things to consider. Packaging are the things we use to protect our food and other stuff. This ensures that our belongings are safe from dirt and germ. But we also want to do this at the same time as help the earth. — T...
POGLEJ VEČWhen running any business, one of the most crucial decisions you can make is to select a quality supplier for everything you require. A supplier is simply a company who gives you the physical goods, or services that you sell to your own customers. If...
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